Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): JETCom, July 2023
- Journal Title : Journal of Engineering, Technology and Computing (JETCom)
- Journal Initial : JETCom
- Managing of Editorial: Dr. Verdi Yasin, S.Kom.,M.Kom./ Scopus ID: 57215307401
- Editor in Chief : Dr. Zulfian Azmi, ST.,M.Kom/Scopus ID:57200726694
- Nomor E-ISSN : 2828-0512 (Online - Elektronik)
- Nomor P-ISSN : 2829-372X (Print - Cetak)
We manage the information system journal "Journal of Engineering, Technology and Computing (JETCom)" informs that below we publish the Journal Article Manuscript for the period of publication Volume 2 Number 2 (July 2023)